Abstract—As the amount of accessible information is
overwhelming, the intelligent information filtering systems
provide helpful methods to access. The main problems are that
the relevant information is spread over a big number of sources
and useful information is hidden under the huge amount of
useless data. We proposed a Secure Multi Agent Information
Filtering (SMAIF) system based on agents and use of vector
space model to find user interest in information groups
supporting security issues on agents’ communications. SMAIF
reaches high performance in precession and recall in filtering
the right information to users. Security issues in
communications of secret data and users’ privacy are
considered in our implementation.
Index Terms—Information filtering, JADE, Multi agent
system, security.
Farzad Peyravi is with Electrical and Computer Engineering, Yazd
University, Yazd, Iran (e-mail: fpeyravi@stu.yazd.ac.ir).
Alimohammad Latif is with Electrical and Computer Engineering, Yazd
University, Yazd, Iran (e-mail: alatif@yazduni.ac.ir).
Cite:Farzad Peyravi and Alimohammad Latif, "Secure Multi Agent Information Filtering," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 240-246, 2014.